Students applying for accommodations at TBCC for the first time

Students applying for accommodations at TBCC should follow these steps:

  1. Submit a completed Disabilities Intake Form.pdf.

    If you would like assistance filling out the form, come to TBCC Student Services for one-on-one help.

    Send or bring the forms to our office at:

    Tillamook Bay Community College, Student Services

    4301 Third St, Tillamook, OR 97141

    or Fax to (503) 842-8222

    or Email to

  2. Provide current documentation of your disability. Please refer to the “Disability services documentation standards” section below to learn more about the documentation needed.

  3. Meet with a Disability Services advisor (located in the TBCC student Services Office)

    Our Disability Services advisor works closely with students to learn about their particular needs. Our goal is to provide students with the resources — accommodations, strategies and support — to improve access to the learning environment. You and your advisor will discuss appropriate accommodations based on your disability and complete an "Approved Academic Accommodation," form together.